Pier MTTP Energy Management System
Pier MTTP Energy Management System

Digital Transformation with Pier MTTP

New Generation Energy Monitoring System

Wholesale Market Portfolio Management

Pier MTTP monitors the electricity financial settlement and imbalances by monitoring the production, consumption and storage points of the companies operating in the electricity wholesale markets.

Energy Tracking System

Within the scope of energy efficiency, Pier MTTP hardware and software products and electrical and mechanical systems can be monitored in accordance with ISO 50001 standards.

Autonomous Energy Consulting

Pier MTTP autonomous energy consultancy has been developed to provide support to our stakeholders who do not have qualified manpower on energy management

Carbon Emission Management System

Facilities that fall behind their energy efficiency and carbon emission targets provide solutions to their emission problems with the Pier MTTP system.

Distributed Energy Generation Optimization

Pier MTTP distributed power generation optimization collects distributed energy resources on the same platform with the Internet of Things (IoT) network infrastructure.

DER Portfolio Management

Pier MTTP combines many scattered small-scale power generation plants, electricity consumption facilities and electricity storage facilities under one roof.

Demanding Party Balancing System

Pier MTTP offers effective solutions within the scope of demanding party balancing service for facilities in the distribution system

Peer-to-Peer Trading (P2P)

Pier MTTP works with a P2P trading module with the ability to register and verify without the need for a central organization.

Wholesale Market Portfolio Management

Pier MTTP monitors the electricity financial settlement and imbalances by monitoring the production, consumption and storage points of the companies operating in the electricity wholesale markets.

Energy Production


Energy Efficiency Management Is Held on
A Single Platform with Pier MTTP
Pier MTTP provides end-to-end, real-time and instant energy efficiency management services to facilities. As a result of monitoring data, it creates energy efficiency reports in ISO 50001 standard. These reports form the basis for the equipment change investment and behavioral changes in the facility to be created to ensure energy efficiency. It also develops a roadmap with an expert point of view to ensure energy efficiency. Within the reports, each point of the facility is evaluated separately and electrical and mechanical measures are explained. In addition to technical measures, information is given about the financial planning and payback period of hardware investments for energy efficiency. If hardware or behavioral changes are not sufficient or preferred, efficiency problems are resolved with the transfer of carbon rights on the carbon trading platform.

Energy Monitoring System

In the energy sector, energy monitoring systems have become indispensable for the sustainability of energy efficiency. Within the scope of energy efficiency, with Pier MTTP hardware and software products in the facilities, all electrical and mechanical systems can be monitored in accordance with ISO 50001 standards. Systems such as electrical panels, cable groups, electrical machines, ventilation systems, boiler groups, chimney systems, fan groups can be monitored 24/7 with Pier MTTP. The data collected with the advanced remote reading infrastructure is transmitted to central servers in an end-to-end encrypted and secure manner. Thus, the energy systems of all or a part of the facility can be monitored in real time.

Autonomous Energy Consulting

Some data and analyzes produced within the scope of energy monitoring systems can be evaluated and interpreted correctly by expert engineers with sufficient technical qualifications. Pier ETN digital energy manager has been developed to provide support to our stakeholders who do not have qualified manpower in this field, in energy management.

Carbon Emission Management System

With the Pier MTTP Carbon Emission Management System, the net carbon emission values of the facilities are determined. In this context, facilities with high emission levels can reduce their emission values to the desired level by purchasing a carbon emission contract through the Pier MTTP platform.


Autonomous Financial Settlement with Pier MTTP
The New Generation Energy Trading
Participants receiving services within the scope of Pier MTTP are introduced to autonomous energy trading on the Pier ETS platform. With the Pier Energy Trading System, participants will be able to perform instant energy trading with their electricity and carbon net positions. Thus, they will be able to minimize tariff, system imbalance costs and energy efficiency sanctions. Financial settlement transactions are carried out thanks to P2P trading modules, which have the ability to record and verify without the need for a central organization.

DER Portfolio Management

Pier MTTP allows the electricity consumed in the facilities to be produced at the point where it is consumed, electricity imbalance problems, carbon and electricity net positions of the facilities and carbon and electricity trading.

Wholesale Market Portfolio Management

Pier MTTP provides instant portfolio management services by monitoring the production, consumption and storage points of companies operating in wholesale over-the-counter and spot electricity markets. Pier MTTP provides many information such as short and medium term demand forecasts, PTF forecasts, meteorological status notifications and legislative changes instantly through communication channels within the scope of wholesale market analysis.
Energy Trading

Peer-to-Peer Trading (P2P)

Pier MTTP is a P2P trading module that allows its stakeholders to trade electricity among themselves, makes financial reconciliation, and has the ability to record and verify transactions within this scope without the need for a central institution. Pier MTTP can make automatic and secure P2P payments through smart contracts. In addition, cost-effective solutions are offered.

Demanding Party Balancing System

Pier MTTP provides support for demanding party engagement, condition monitoring, review, supply chain optimization, decision-making and planning of energy management activities.

DER Portfolio Management

Pier MTTP allows the electricity consumed in the facilities to be produced at the point where it is consumed, electricity imbalance problems, carbon and electricity net positions of the facilities and carbon and electricity trading.
Energy Trading

Demanding Party Balancing System

Pier MTTP provides support for demanding party engagement, condition monitoring, review, supply chain optimization, decision-making and planning of energy management activities.

Peer-to-Peer Trading (P2P)

Pier MTTP is a P2P trading module that allows its stakeholders to trade electricity among themselves, makes financial reconciliation, and has the ability to record and verify transactions within this scope without the need for a central institution. Pier MTTP can make automatic and secure P2P payments through smart contracts. In addition, cost-effective solutions are offered.

Wholesale Market Portfolio Management

Pier MTTP provides instant portfolio management services by monitoring the production, consumption and storage points of companies operating in wholesale over-the-counter and spot electricity markets. Pier MTTP provides many information such as short and medium term demand forecasts, PTF forecasts, meteorological status notifications and legislative changes instantly through communication channels within the scope of wholesale market analysis.


DER Optimization with Pier MTTP
Virtual Electric Facilities
Pier MTTP gathers dispersed energy resources on the same platform with the Internet of Things (IoT) network infrastructure with its distributed energy generation optimization project. On this platform, each dispersed energy point can be tracked. All points traded on the system can be managed operationally and financially. In this context, dispersed energy facilities can monitor and manage their energy consumption, energy net positions and energy imbalances as a group, regardless of location.

Electricity Storage System

Electricity Storage System Optimization

With its IoT network infrastructure, it gathers small-scale, behind-the-meter energy storage facilities in different locations under the same portfolio. Participation in the markets is ensured with the created virtual energy storage reserve volume.
Renewable Solar Energy

Micro RES System Optimization

Micro-scale renewable solar energy and wind power plants, which are dispersed energy sources, are gathered on a single platform, and energy trading is provided through a network infrastructure by communicating the two on the same platform.
Electric Vehicle Charging Station

Electric Vehicle Charging Station Optimization

Thanks to the system, it is possible to monitor the charging stations in different locations instantly and to gather them under a single roof. Multiple charging stations are monitored on the same platform and their net energy status is monitored.

Utilized Technologies
IoT (Internet of Things)
Wifi Logo
TCP/IP Protocol
Modbus Protocol
IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission)
LoRa Communication Technology
IoT Technology
5G Mobile GSM
Pier MTTP software and hardware components, wired and wireless communication solutions work in full harmony with the electrical and mechanical instruments already in your facility. It combines new generation communication technologies with classical technologies. Thanks to the artificial intelligence algorithm, it works autonomously at every point. The decision mechanisms are located on the monitoring points and each acts like a digital energy manager. It delivers the results of the analyzes to the end user on the cloud platform.