• Energy Monitoring Management
    Digital Energy Generator
    Autonomous Energy Management
    Energy Efficiency Reports Are at Your Fingertips 24/7
  • Electric Vehicle Charging Station
    e - Charge
    The Electric Vehicle Charge Management Platform
    You Can Charge Your Vehicle Without an Appointment
  • Renewable Energy System
    e - YEK
    Micro RES Management System
    Micro-Scale Renewable Energy Resources Are in Single Platform
  • Electricity Storage Management
    e - Storage
    Electricity Storage Management System
    We Provide Charge-Discharge Management of Storage Facilities
Energy Monitoring Systems
Renewable Energy System
Electric Vehicle Charging Station
Electricity Storage Management
Energy Monitoring Management
Pier MTTP Energy Management System

What is Pier ETN?

Pier Energy Network System

Some data and analyzes produced within the scope of energy monitoring systems can be evaluated and interpreted correctly by expert engineers with sufficient technical qualifications. Pier ETN is an autonomous energy consultant platform developed to provide support to stakeholders who do not have qualified manpower in this field on energy management.

Pier Energy Network System?
The system brings together dispersed electricity generation and consumption resources on a single platform. It provides the elimination of imbalances on the electricity supply-anddemand and the management of the system operation. Pier ETN provides solutions on dispersed energy resources in the following fields: Central management of electric vehicle charging stations, load planning and electricity imbalance problems, charge and discharge optimization of electricity storage facilities, it provides solutions to problems in areas such as system monitoring, system operation and imbalance management for solar and wind electricity systems, which are renewable electricity sources.
Pier MTTP Energy Management System Pier MTTP Energy Management System



Pier MTTP Energy Management System

energy efficiency

With detailed analyzes, anomalies, inefficiencies, unnecessary and wasteful consumption in energy consumption are detected. It creates recommendations for potential energy efficiency and savings. In order to continuously improve the energy performance of the facility and to maintain these improvements, the results of the processes applied for the points where inefficiencies are detected are monitored and performance evaluation is made.

Pier MTTP Energy Management System

electricity supply planning

It optimizes energy management using trends identified in demand forecasting, weather, occupancy, usage, energy prices and consumer behavior. Thus, it has the capacity to significantly reduce the bills of end consumers. For electricity supply, tariff proposals determined according to the consumption trends of the facility ensure the efficient use of the energy produced in the facility with smart energy storage optimization.

Pier MTTP Energy Management System

operational planning

Electricity consumption planning recommendations are provided by Pier ETN according to parameters such as time-varying electricity prices, electricity produced at the facility, energy consumption trends and active-reactive overshoot and power overshoot. Pier ETN provides support for you to proactively manage preventive maintenance processes by predicting potential problems and malfunctions that may occur in the facility. Pier ETN for an effective solution in operational processes!


Digital Energy Management System

  • It is an autonomous energy consultancy platform developed for stakeholders who do not have qualified manpower in the field of energy efficiency

Charging Station Management System

  • Instant monitoring of charging stations located in different locations is provided. Multiple charging stations are monitored on the same platform and their net energy status is managed.
Pier MTTP Energy Management System

Micro RES Management System

  • Micro-scale renewable solar and wind power plants are brought together on a single platform. Monitoring and maintenance follow-ups of power plants are no longer a problem.

Electricity Storage Management System

  • Micro-scale, behind-the-counter energy storage facilities are grouped under the same portfolio. Participation in the markets is ensured with the created virtual energy storage system and real-time operating reserve capacity.


Energy Efficiency Platform
Digital Energy Management
24/7 Service in Energy Efficiency
Energy system data and analyzes are evaluated and correctly interpreted by expert engineers with sufficient technical qualifications. Pier ETN Digital Energy Management System is an autonomous energy consultancy platform developed to provide support for energy management to our stakeholders who do not have qualified manpower in this field. With the developments in information and communication technologies, digital technologies such as internet of things, (IoT) blockchain, big data, artificial intelligence, cloud platform, business intelligence and analytics have started to play a key role in order to provide the solutions needed by the energy sector. It is aimed to analyze a facility with the help of data warehouse, data mining and artificial intelligence algorithms, which is created by combining the data created by measuring the energy systems of a facility, the data obtained from external systems and the data provided by the user, and to create simple and easily understandable outputs that can be interpreted by any technical expert.

Reporting in ISO 50001 Standard

Within the scope of energy efficiency, your energy consumption is regularly monitored, recorded and reported in accordance with ISO 50001 standards.

Alternative Solution to Carbon Emission Problems

Alternative solutions in energy efficiency are gathered together with the determination of the amount of carbon emission that will occur in the facilities, the determination of the net position and comprehensive solution suggestions.
Digital Energy Management
24/7 Service in Energy Efficiency
Energy Efficiency Platform
Energy system data and analyzes are evaluated and correctly interpreted by expert engineers with sufficient technical qualifications. Pier ETN Digital Energy Management System is an autonomous energy consultancy platform developed to provide support for energy management to our stakeholders who do not have qualified manpower in this field. With the developments in information and communication technologies, digital technologies such as internet of things, (IoT) blockchain, big data, artificial intelligence, cloud platform, business intelligence and analytics have started to play a key role in order to provide the solutions needed by the energy sector. It is aimed to analyze a facility with the help of data warehouse, data mining and artificial intelligence algorithms, which is created by combining the data created by measuring the energy systems of a facility, the data obtained from external systems and the data provided by the user, and to create simple and easily understandable outputs that can be interpreted by any technical expert.

Reporting in ISO 50001 Standard

Within the scope of energy efficiency, your energy consumption is regularly monitored, recorded and reported in accordance with ISO 50001 standards.

Alternative Solution to Carbon Emission Problems

Alternative solutions in energy efficiency are gathered together with the determination of the amount of carbon emission that will occur in the facilities, the determination of the net position and comprehensive solution suggestions.

Micro RES Management System
The New Generation Energy Management System
Our motivation and solution-oriented perspective is to ensure the effective use of naturefriendly electricity generation resources and to gather dispersed micro-scale power plants virtually under one roof. Thanks to the established system, it will be extremely beneficial for the facilities to carry out their work within the scope of energy efficiency and savings. Microscale renewable solar power plants (SPP) and wind power plants (WPP), which are dispersed energy sources, are gathered on a single platform. Energy trading is provided with a network infrastructure by communicating on the same platform

Multiple Power Plants Under One Roof

By treating the dispersed roof, SPP and WPP in a single portfolio, solutions to the unbalanced load problems in the distribution system are provided. This allows for single-center management and monitoring of dispersed facilities. Digital technologies such as the internet of things, (IoT) blockchain, big data, artificial intelligence, cloud platform, business intelligence and analytics are used to provide the solutions needed to be addressed.

Alternative Sales Channels

With the Pier ETN Micro RES Management System, a network infrastructure is provided where production points can communicate on the same platform. In this way, the unbalanced net load positions that will occur in the facilities are minimized. Thus, thanks to the monitoring and trading system that will increase the efficiency of the electricity used, solutions that will contribute financially to the facilities are offered
Energy Production and Efficiency

24/7 Tracking and Warning Mechanism

Micro RES monitors the results of the actions taken regarding the points of inefficiencies in order to continuously improve the energy performance for the power plant and to maintain these improvements. Performance evaluation is made. Thus, productivity, efficiency, accessibility, visibility, coordination and information sharing increase.

Malfunction and Maintenance Management

It contributes to the increase of productivity by enabling the detection and correction of instantaneous or permanent problems in the facility. Possible malfunctions are predicted. Support is provided for the management of preventive maintenance processes. The system offers solutions to the monitoring and maintenance problems that will occur with the increase of roof SPPs and WPPs.

Alternative Sales Channels

With the Pier ETN Micro RES Management System, a network infrastructure is provided where production points can communicate on the same platform. In this way, the unbalanced net load positions that will occur in the facilities are minimized. Thus, thanks to the monitoring and trading system that will increase the efficiency of the electricity used, solutions that will contribute financially to the facilities are offered
Energy Production and Efficiency

Malfunction and Maintenance Management

It contributes to the increase of productivity by enabling the detection and correction of instantaneous or permanent problems in the facility. Possible malfunctions are predicted. Support is provided for the management of preventive maintenance processes. The system offers solutions to the monitoring and maintenance problems that will occur with the increase of roof SPPs and WPPs.

Multiple Power Plants Under One Roof

By treating the dispersed roof, SPP and WPP in a single portfolio, solutions to the unbalanced load problems in the distribution system are provided. This allows for single-center management and monitoring of dispersed facilities. Digital technologies such as the internet of things, (IoT) blockchain, big data, artificial intelligence, cloud platform, business intelligence and analytics are used to provide the solutions needed to be addressed.

24/7 Tracking and Warning Mechanism

Micro RES monitors the results of the actions taken regarding the points of inefficiencies in order to continuously improve the energy performance for the power plant and to maintain these improvements. Performance evaluation is made. Thus, productivity, efficiency, accessibility, visibility, coordination and information sharing increase.

Electricity Storage Management System
Autonomous Energy Management
In a world where carbon emissions are sought to be reduced, energy storage systems offer unique opportunities to sustain renewable energy-based generation and to require fewer conventional power generation facilities on the grid. With energy storage systems, excess production is stored during the day and used when production decreases. Likewise, it is possible to use the electricity purchased at night when the electricity price is low, during the demanded hours.

Management from a Single Center

Effective energy management by gathering dispersed storage stations on a single platform.

Digital Technology

Dynamic charge-discharge system monitoring of the storage owner with 24/7 instant monitoring technology.

Technology for Everyone

Financial gain by incorporating individual storage stations into the system.

Management from a Single Center

Effective energy management by gathering dispersed storage stations on a single platform.
Energy Storage Service

Electric Vehicle Charging Management Station
Charging Station Management System
Multiple Station Management
Pier ETN Charging Station Management System is an energy network where different charging stations can instantly communicate autonomously in line with supply and demand. We provide system users with a platform where they can make load planning according to their power line capacity and shift loads within the portfolio. We also allow individual EV (electric vehicle) charging station owners to sell charging services to EV owners. Thus, we make unused EV chargers functional. We are creating a network where users with distributed renewable energy sources can sell the surplus electricity they generate to provide an income to their owners when it is not in use.

Individual Charging Stations

We offer an infrastructure service where individual electric vehicle charging station owners can share their charging stations. We provide autonomous energy management, where the technical limits are determined and the load capacity is not exceeded.

Dispersed Stations Under the Same Roof

We manage dispersed charging stations under the same roof with Pier ETN. We offer system load tracking, line capacity tracking, time planning, energy trade optimization and charge routing system to your service.
Charging Station Management System
Multiple Station Management
Electric Vehicle Charging Management Station
Pier ETN Charging Station Management System is an energy network where different charging stations can instantly communicate autonomously in line with supply and demand. We provide system users with a platform where they can make load planning according to their power line capacity and shift loads within the portfolio. We also allow individual EV (electric vehicle) charging station owners to sell charging services to EV owners. Thus, we make unused EV chargers functional. We are creating a network where users with distributed renewable energy sources can sell the surplus electricity they generate to provide an income to their owners when it is not in use.

Individual Charging Stations

We offer an infrastructure service where individual electric vehicle charging station owners can share their charging stations. We provide autonomous energy management, where the technical limits are determined and the load capacity is not exceeded.

Dispersed Stations Under the Same Roof

We manage dispersed charging stations under the same roof with Pier ETN. We offer system load tracking, line capacity tracking, time planning, energy trade optimization and charge routing system to your service.


Utilized Technologies
IoT (Internet of Things)
Wifi Logo
TCP/IP Protocol
Modbus Protocol
IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission)
LoRa Communication Technology
IoT Technology
5G Mobile GSM
Pier MTTP software and hardware components, wired and wireless communication solutions work in full harmony with the electrical and mechanical instruments already in your facility. It combines new generation communication technologies with classical technologies. Thanks to the artificial intelligence algorithm, it works autonomously at every point. The decision mechanisms are located on the monitoring points and each acts like a digital energy manager. It delivers the results of the analyzes to the end user on the cloud platform.


Pier MTTP Energy Management System
Pier MTTP Energy Management System
Pier MTTP Energy Management System
Pier MTTP Energy Management System