Pier MTTP Energy Management System
Pier MTTP Energy Management System

Pier ETS

Pier Energy Trading System

Pier ETS, developed by Pier Energy, is an IoT-based decentralized energy trading platform where users can balance and trade their electricity and carbon net positions. Pier ETS gathers dispersed micro-scale electricity generation and consumption facilities under one roof. Thus, financial reconciliation is provided between the stakeholders with the blockchain structure.

Energy Trading System Platform

Pier Energy Trading System?
  • It provides an automated and highly secure way to buy and sell electricity, allowing its participants to earn more on their energy costs.
  • It shortens the amortization period of consumers' renewable electricity generation investments.
  • It allows direct trading of various electricity products (e.g. day ahead, spot market) between players who do not know or trust each other, without the need to involve a 'physical' electricity exchange or intermediary, as it allows for reliable transactions.
  • They provide accurate data on the amount and price of power to be traded. Information on these specifications is secured by a blockchain.
  • It provides greater security of supply for the consumer.
  • Real-time energy production and consumption levels can be monitored at any step of the value chain.
Energy Trade Management Energy Trade Monitoring



Pier MTTP Energy Management System

virtual energy and storage system

With its advanced technological infrastructure, it collects distributed energy resources (DER) in different locations under a portfolio. It provides real-time operating reserve capacity with the virtual power plant it has created. It enables the power plant to participate in the side markets and manages its processes.

Pier MTTP Energy Management System

micro grids

It has a P2P trading module that allows its stakeholders to trade electricity among themselves by buying and selling electricity from each other, making financial settlements, and recording and verifying transactions within this scope without the need for a central institution.

Pier MTTP Energy Management System

demand-party management

It provides support to demanding party engagement, condition monitoring, review, supply chain optimization, decision-making and planning of energy management activities.


Secure Trading

  • Secure trading opportunity with end-to-end encrypted communication structure.

Smart Contracts

  • Autonomous electricity trading with smart contracts among stakeholders.
Energy Storage Services

Instant Settlement

  • Instant financial settlement with digital wallet mechanism

IoT Communication

  • Internet of Things technology in tracking energy net positions.


DER Financial Settlement
Management System
Pier ETS is an energy trading platform developed for the autonomous physical management and imbalance management of energy commodities and trading of electricity gathered under a single roof within the scope of microgrids. With its autonomous decision structure, it provides instant dynamic communication to microscale electricity generation and consumption facilities in line with supply and demand. It performs autonomous energy trading and financial settlement with its decentralized settlement structure in the blockchain structure.
Pier MTTP Energy Management System
Carbon Trading
Management System
Within the scope of energy efficiency measures, it is an energy trading platform where facilities can instantly autonomously share their carbon emission quotas and uses and can transfer emission capacity with smart contracts within their carbon net positions. Pier ETS provides secure and smart trade with IoT-based communication, P2P peer-to-peer trading and blockchain settlement mechanism.
Pier MTTP Energy Management System

Pier ETS
Energy Trading for Micro Grid Structures
Micro grids are small-scale energy networks with their own energy sources, generation and loads that can be operated independently or connected to the grid, with certain limits. Stakeholders gathered under the same roof can sell their surplus energy production to other stakeholders in the micro grid on a pay-per-use basis. With its technological infrastructure, Pier ETS platform offers a reliable and economical network management for all stakeholders.

P2P Energy Trading

Pier ETS platform has a P2P trading module that allows its stakeholders to trade electricity among themselves by buying and selling electricity from each other, making financial settlements, recording and verifying transactions within this scope without the need for a central institution.

Carbon Balancing System

The Carbon Trading System, which enables the transfer of carbon emission levels with the smart contract system within the scope of energy efficiency, provides alternative solutions to the regulation of energy efficiency of end users.
Electrical Balancing System

Electric Balancing System

It allows the electricity generation and consumption points under the Pier ETS roof to balance their electricity needs or surplus net positions. The system, which provides balancing services with its smart contract structure, also provides financial settlement as a result of balancing transactions.

Demanding Party Balancing System

Our system, which regulates the load shifting and consumption right transfer transactions on the consumption side with a make and sell instruction structure, increases the participation of consumption facilities in the balance structure. It allows them to earn financial income.

P2P Energy Trading

Pier ETS platform has a P2P trading module that allows its stakeholders to trade electricity among themselves by buying and selling electricity from each other, making financial settlements, recording and verifying transactions within this scope without the need for a central institution.
Electrical Balancing System

Electric Balancing System

It allows the electricity generation and consumption points under the Pier ETS roof to balance their electricity needs or surplus net positions. The system, which provides balancing services with its smart contract structure, also provides financial settlement as a result of balancing transactions.

Demanding Party Balancing System

Our system, which regulates the load shifting and consumption right transfer transactions on the consumption side with a make and sell instruction structure, increases the participation of consumption facilities in the balance structure. It allows them to earn financial income.

Carbon Balancing System

The Carbon Trading System, which enables the transfer of carbon emission levels with the smart contract system within the scope of energy efficiency, provides alternative solutions to the regulation of energy efficiency of end users.


Utilized Technologies
IoT (Internet of Things)
Wifi Logo
TCP/IP Protocol
Modbus Protocol
IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission)
LoRa Communication Technology
IoT Technology
5G Mobile GSM
Pier MTTP software and hardware components, wired and wireless communication solutions work in full harmony with the electrical and mechanical instruments already in your facility. It combines new generation communication technologies with classical technologies. Thanks to the artificial intelligence algorithm, it works autonomously at every point. The decision mechanisms are located on the monitoring points and each acts like a digital energy manager. It delivers the results of the analyzes to the end user on the cloud platform.
