Disclaimer Statement

By entering this website, you agree to the following terms of use:

Pier MTTP and/or the content creators of Pier MTTP Web Site have no legal or criminal liability for any material or moral damage that may arise from your failure to comply with the mentioned conditions in the future.

The texts, images, graphics, audio or video files, including statistical data, and all materials and information ('Content') on the Website are shared for general informational purposes.

Pier MTTP Web Site makes no statement about the accuracy and/or completeness of the Content and does not provide any guarantee in this regard, and does not accept any responsibility for decisions made relying on this Content.

Pier MTTP and Content providers are not responsible in any way for any decisions that users may make based on the Content on the Website.

Pier MTTP is not responsible for interruptions, delays, or errors in the published Content and the damages that may arise from them.

These contents cannot be copied, distributed, used for commercial purposes by indicating the source without the permission of Pier MTTP, and cannot be transferred to computer systems in any format. Pier MTTP has the right to unilaterally change and update these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice.

Terms of use are subject to Turkish laws.